
148 days are over

Yesterday I went back home.
My last week was pretty cool but also very sad. I had to say goodbye to my badminton team on Saturday. On the same evening I went eating and bowling with my friends. We had much fun and it was very nice.
The school week went by so fast and I had to say goodbye to all of my friends. They gave me a present: pictures and they wrote something for me. And my class gave me our class photo and everyone wrote something on the backside. So it was pretty hard to say goodbye on the last day.
On Friday I had to stand up very early, say goodbye to my hostmum and my hostsister and then we went to the station. But we were too early because we thought the train goes an half hour earlier. My hostfather and me drank a coffee and then it was time to say goodbye.
The train to the airport was long, I had much time but I also met new interesting people.
At the airport I met a friend and we enjoyed together our last time in France.
Our flight took one hour and then we had to say goodbye. I met my parents and went home with them where I met my brother.
It is very strange to be at home. My parents changed a lot in our house in the last few months.
I think the next week will be exciting because I’ll go to another school on Monday where I know only one girl in my class.
But so I have something special and interesting to experience the next week before the everyday life in Germany begins again for me.