I’m in France since end of August 2014 and I’ll be here till end of January 2015.
On November 11 half of my exchange is over.
I met so many incredible people and had great experiences!
On August 28 I flight for the first time in my life. Destination: Paris. I stayed two days in Paris with many other exchange students from all over the world. It was so good to see that there are people who are interested in similar things and have sometimes the same problems! We made a trip with a boat on the Seine and visited the Eiffel Tower. From the Eiffel Tower you have such a great view on Paris!
On August 30 we all went to different train stations to take the trains to our hostfamilys. I met my host mother and my hostsister at my arrival in Montpellier. We went “home” where I met my host father and my hostbrother. At the same evening we went to a kind of a party on the street and to friends of my host parents to have dinner. It was foreign to me but a very good experience for the first evening!
The next day we went on a canoe trip with friends of my host parents. The landscape here is so wonderful and we had much fun this day. I also met a German guy who worked at the canoe hire. I was surprised to hear someone speaking German!
A few days later school started for my hostsister and me. I’ve never been to another school so I was a bit scared. But my classmates were all really nice and kind to me.
The first days I had very big problems to understand the people here. They speak very fast and they have an accent which seemed really strange to me at the beginning.
But the time went on and I learned so much in a few weeks. I found friends and made many things with my hostfamily. We went shopping and made soooo much else.
But I had also to realize that it is hard to keep in contact with your friends during an exchange. Many of my friends changed school and they were any changes in their lives too. And I changed a lot, the country, the school and family and my personality.
It’s a really good experience to be here, learn the language and more about the culture. I’m proud to be here and very happy!