
One semester abroad

I believe that education is something very important and wonderful. Every one in this world should have the possibility to get educated. And so I am deeply thankful for having the possibility to study at a university. As I am studying something concerning intercultural communication I also have the possibility to go abroad for one… Read More One semester abroad



Bereits neulich wollte ich hier etwas zum Thema Sport schreiben. Nun bekommt man am Rande die Debatte in Social Media zum Thema “Völkerball” und der Empfehlung des Verbots dieses Spiels im Schulsport durch kanadische Forscher mit (zum Beispiel hier). Ein guter Punkt also, um anzusetzen. Ich gehöre zu den Menschen, die nie gut im Sportunterricht… Read More Sport


Kein Make-Up

Ich habe diese Woche einen Artikel gelesen, in dem es darum ging, dass die britische Fluggesellschaft Virgin Atlantic die Make-Up Pflicht für ihre Stewardessen abschafft. Warum ist das so ein Ding? Warum fühle ich mich als Frau quasi dazu verpflichtet, Make-Up aufzutragen, wenn ich rausgehe? Warum denken wir, Frauen seien dadurch schöner? Ich selbst trage… Read More Kein Make-Up



It took me six months to read the first book in my life. As a child I always pretended I could not read but then I read a road sign and so my parents knew that I can read. Afterwards I began slowly to discover the world of books. My parents, especially my mother, always… Read More Reading



As I now live in the eastern part of Germany, I am also closer to new countries I have not been to yet. For example Czech Republic and its wonderful capital Prague. So I went there last weekend with a friend of mine. We met in Dresden and took the train from there. We took… Read More Prague


Orientation week(s)

With the beginning of October a new chapter of my life started – studying at university. Well, first, orientation week started. Orientation week at my university meant getting a lot of information, meeting a bunch of new people and first of all: being a bit confused all of the time. But let’s start with Monday.… Read More Orientation week(s)



On a traditional sailing ship. Again. Like in the last three summers too. We went to Kiel to start our sailing trip from there. The ship was called “Oban” – a wonderful one with lots of space (at least for a ship of that kind). I slept with a friend in the cabin under the… Read More Sailing


Morocco II

The way to the desert goes through the mountains of the atlas. Our first small stop was at a restaurant to have tea. The view was breathtaking! the route was bendy and seemed endless. We made another stop at a cooperative for organ oil and a woman explained how it is made. In Ouarzazate we… Read More Morocco II


Morocco I

Summer means time for traveling. In the last years I have worked for an association in german-french-moroccan holiday camps for teens. This year as well. But this year was special because it was the first time we went to Morocco. My travel began on a Sunday. Our voyage was supposed to start on Wednesday but… Read More Morocco I


Austrian alps

The month of may is full of long weekends in Germany and so my friends and me decided to go on a trip for a few days. We went to the Zillertaler Alpen in the region of Tirol, Austria. The holiday apartment was on a small farm with lots of cows and we had a… Read More Austrian alps